This seminar synthesizes the substantial literature on psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics, combining it with the neuroscience of emotional, interpersonal, cognitive, dynamics, with psychotherapeutic approaches to offer an integrated vision of psychotherapy. The integrative model promotes a conceptual shift in how we understand mental health problems and their solutions. We can now understand how the immune system, diet, brain structure, and even gut bacteria effect mental health. Psychotherapists in the 21st Century will by necessity become more like healthcare workers to address and resolve adverse mind-body-brain interactions.  Mind-Brain-Gene explores a wide variety of factors having multidirectional causal relationships between stress, depression, anxiety, the immune system, and gene expression. The interaction between all these factors has been by illuminated by studies examining the effects of lifestyle factors on the incidence of health and psychological problems. There are significant relationships between immune system function, stress, insecure attachment, anxiety, depression, poor nutrition, bad quality sleep, physical inactivity, and neurophysiological dysregulation. For example, insecure attachment, deprivation, and child abuse contribute to anxiety and depression as well as immune system dysregulation in far more extensive ways then was believed. This complex range of health conditions effects millions of people who seek psychotherapy.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the relationship between health and mental health.
- Learn about the interaction between the immune system, genes, brain dynamics, and mental health.
- Learn how the stress systems can be turned on and are difficult to turn off.