Mindfulness & Compassion in Psychotherapy: Tailoring the Practice to the Person (1.5 Clinical CE) - Higher Thought Institute
Mindfulness and compassion practices are among the most rapidly expanding and widely researched psychotherapeutic interventions today. They hold great promise not only for clinicians’ own personal development, but also as remarkably powerful tools to augment virtually every form of treatment. Mindfulness and compassion are not, however, onesize-fits-all remedies. Researchers are now differentiating the effects of focused attention, open monitoring, loving-kindness, compassion, and equanimity practices. And while potentially powerfully therapeutic, practices can create adverse effects when not used appropriately. They therefore need to be tailored to fit the needs of particular individuals. This webinar will show you how.


Learning objectives for participants:


  • Describe the three core elements of mindfulness practice


  • Identify common denominators in psychological difficulties


  • Specify several ways that mindfulness practices can be tailored to the needs of particular types of clients

November 21 @ 10:00
10:00 — 11:30 (1h 30′)

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