Living the Examined Life: A Therapist's Perspective (1.5 Clinical CE) - Higher Thought Institute
Course Description:  A consequence of the necessary adaptations we

make to the demands of family, the world around us, and the embedded messages we carry, causes each of us to get separated from our own truth, our personal authority.  Initially accountable to the world around us, we adapt, repress, leave behind some of our best parts. The second half of life is an on-going summons to an accountability to the soul.  This presentation will identify some of the issues, and the tasks they raise for us, in living an examined life.


  1. Define the concept of “the psychology of the second half of life.”
  2. Review the twenty-one tasks which lead to a more mature life.
  3. Differentiate among job, duty, and vocation.



March 27 @ 08:30
08:30 — 10:00 (1h 30′)


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