Scott Miller, PhD
He is one of a handful of “invited faculty” whose work, thinking, and research is featured at the prestigious “Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference.” His humorous and engaging presentation style and command of the research literature consistently inspires practitioners, administrators, and policymakers to make effective changes in service delivery.
Scott is the author of numerous articles and co-author of Working with the Problem Drinker: A Solution Focused Approach (with Insoo Berg [Norton, 1992]), The “Miracle” Method: A Radically New Approach to Problem Drinking (with Insoo Kim Berg [Norton, 1995]), Finding the Adult Within: A Solution-Focused Self-Help Guide (with Barbara McFarland [Brief Therapy Center Press, 1995]), Handbook of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Foundations, Applications, and Research (with Mark Hubble and Barry Duncan [Jossey-Bass, 1996]), Escape from Babel: Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy Practice (with Mark Hubble and Barry Duncan [Norton, 1997]), Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases: Efficient Treatment of Therapy Veterans (with Mark Hubble and Barry Duncan [Norton, 1997]), The Heart and Soul of Change (with Mark Hubble and Barry Duncan [APA Press, 1999] and Bruce Wampold [2nd Edition, 2010]), The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy (with Barry Duncan [Jossey-Bass, 2000], and Jacqueline Sparks [Revised, 2004]), The ICCE Feedback Informed Treatment and Training Manuals (ICCE Press, 2012), The Cycle of Excellence (Wiley, 2017), Feedback Informed Treatment (APA, 2017), and Better Results: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Therapeutic Effectiveness (APA, 2020).