Shannon Burns, MBA, Ed.D
Shannon M Burns is a consultant and trainer on ethical issues, public engagement, corporate consultation and personal wellness. Dr. Burns currently works in an environmental agency that offers many opportunities to practice the principles in her ethics seminars as well as opportunities to clarify ethical values. Prior to her current work, Dr. Burns worked in the addiction treatment industry and as a consultant on ethical issues for businesses, counseling
organizations and educational institutions. As an award-winning ethics professional and a former elected official who used ethical principles to work across party lines to accomplish her goals, Dr. Burns holds an MBA and a Doctorate in adult education, and is uniquely qualified to speak about ethical communication, especially as it relates to development of the ethical person and to cultural competency in 2022 Prior to her current work, Dr. Burns worked in the addiction treatment industry and as a consultant on ethical issues for businesses, counseling
organizations and educational institutions. As an award-winning ethics professional and a former elected official who used ethical principles to work across party lines to accomplish her goals, Dr. Burns holds an MBA and a Doctorate in adult education, and is uniquely qualified to speak about ethical communication, especially as it relates to development of the ethical person and to cultural competency in 2022.