Update - Higher Thought Institute


The Higher Thought Institute is committed to the health and safety of our attendees.  Due to the rapidly evolving situation concerning the COVID-19 virus and the suggested guidelines that the City of Chicago released this week, for meetings and events with over 250 participants, we will be postponing the East Meets West in Psychotherapy event that was scheduled to take place March 25-28.

I hope you our attendees are getting through these difficult times and staying Healthy.  We were all caught by surprise with the COVID-19 virus, it hit us hard and fast.  We are currently navigating and adjusting to these uncertain times ahead.  We are actively planning to reschedule the March 25—28, 2020 East Meets West in Psychotherapy conference in Chicago for either later in the year or in March 2021.

We are a small business like most of you and I appreciate your patience as we reschedule this event.  We are not issuing refunds; however, you will retain your credit for up to one year.

We are still unsure when it will be safe for all of us to come together, so we will offer several options to ensure that you receive your CE credits in a timely manner.  We are committed to Chicago and will be doing at least one event annually, typically in March.  Here are your options:

  1. Live 2-day Webinar for 12 CE credits in mid -May, dates to be announced by April 20, 2020.

This will be complementary to all registered attendees for the March 25-26, 2020 conference, regardless of what days you were registered.

You will have 2 additional options to attend a live conference of your choice for the days you were originally registered.

  1. Atlanta October 21-23, 2020
  2. Chicago March 2021

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Paul Ortman – Founder/CEO

Due to high call volume should you have any questions please email info@htilearn.com.

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